Repurposing Content: Get More Mileage from Your Ideas

Laura Ginn

Coming up with fresh, quality content can be difficult and time-consuming. However, you don’t always need to start from scratch. Repurposing or reusing existing content in new ways can help you get more value from your ideas while still providing value to your audience. Here are some tips on repurposing content effectively.

What is Repurposed Content?

Repurposed content refers to taking existing content and presenting it in a new format or context. For example, you could turn a blog post into a video or break it up into social media posts. Or you could take a section from a long-form piece and turn it into a standalone article.

The goal of repurposing is to reach new audiences and get more mileage from your high-quality content. When done right, repurposing allows you to expand the shelf life of your ideas without compromising on quality or relevance.

Benefits of Repurposing Content

There are several advantages to repurposing your content:

  • Saves time and resources. You don’t have to start from zero every time. You can build on existing research and writing.
  • Maximizes value. You increase the number of people exposed to your ideas.
  • Broadens reach. Hitting different formats and platforms allows you to reach new audiences.
  • Provides consistency. Keeping messaging aligned across formats strengthens your brand.
  • Generates more leads. Each new piece provides another opportunity to convert readers.
  • Improves SEO. More high-quality content using relevant keywords boosts search performance.

Keys to Successful Repurposing

Follow these best practices when repurposing content:

Choose High-Quality Source Material

Identify your very best performing and evergreen content to repurpose. This ensures you are starting with top-notch source material. Long-form blog posts and guides that cover topics in-depth tend to be great candidates for repurposing.

Adapt the Content for Each Format

Resist the urge to shortcut repurposing by making minor tweaks to the original. Take time to adapt the content to suit each new format and audience. Add or remove details as needed to fit the medium.

Maintain Consistency Across Pieces

While adapting content to specific formats, ensure your core messaging and branding remain consistent. This strengthens recognition across pieces. Using white label content from a single provider can help maintain tone and voice.

Provide Unique Value in Each Version

Avoid publishing overly similar versions that dilute value. Make sure each repurposed asset provides something new and stands alone as a valuable piece of content.

Optimize Repurposed Content

Include relevant keywords in each version of the content. This helps optimize content for search and ensures repurposed versions are easily discoverable.

Promote Far and Wide

Leverage all channels available to promote repurposed content, including social media, email marketing, SEO, and paid advertising. The more promotion, the more mileage you’ll get from each asset.

Credit the Original Source

When repurposing content published elsewhere, be sure to credit the original creator or outlet. This shows respect for others’ work and complies with copyright best practices.

Top Examples of Repurposed Content

Need some repurposing inspiration? Here are some of the most popular and effective ways to repurpose content:

Blog Post into Video

Turn your written content into videos for platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Add graphics, footage, and voiceover narration to bring posts to life. Shorter posts can become one video while longer posts work as a series.

Long-Form Article into Infographics

Illustrate key data, stats, and takeaways from your long articles in engaging infographic formats. These visual assets play well on social media and your blog.

Webinars into Blog Posts

Summarize your webinar content in a blog post. Include key lessons, data points, and takeaways your audience can apply. Promote the post to those who missed the live event.

Podcast Interviews into Blog Q&As

Repurpose your podcast interviews into “Q&A with [expert name]” blog posts. Transcribe key exchanges and add images of the interviewee. Promote the posts to readers.

Blog Posts into Short Social Updates

Break your blog posts down into shorter titbits tailor-made for platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Link back to the full article for those interested.

Long-Form Guide into Multiple Articles

Divide your comprehensive guides or eBooks into a series of standalone articles. Release them over time to extend the content lifespan.

Leveraging White Label Content

Sourcing quality white label content from an external content provider can make repurposing even easier. White label refers to unbranded content you can use on your own website and channels.

Look for a content writing agency like Ink Elves that offers flexible white label packages. This allows you to repurpose their high-quality articles, blog posts, and guides in various ways. The content will align with your brand style and voice.

Working with content writers for hire enables you to repurpose expertly crafted content without taxing your own team. Be sure to find blog writing services able to meet your content needs and volume demands.


Repurposing your best content into new, tailored formats is a smart way to maximize value. With strategic repurposing, you can expand your reach, boost SEO, and get more mileage from great ideas. Look for ways to turn long-form content into short social updates, articles into infographics, blog posts into videos, and more. Sourcing white label content can provide quality source material to repurpose. Contact Ink Elves today to learn more about our flexible white label content packages.